autoMFA - Algorithms for Automatically Fitting MFA Models
Provides methods for fitting the Mixture of Factor
Analyzers (MFA) model automatically. The MFA model is a mixture
model where each sub-population is assumed to follow the Factor
Analysis (FA) model. The FA model is a latent variable model
which assumes that observations are normally distributed, but
imposes constraints on their covariance matrix. The MFA model
contains two hyperparameters; g (the number of components in
the mixture) and q (the number of factors in each component
Factor Analysis model). Usually, the Expectation-Maximisation
algorithm would be used to fit the MFA model, but this requires
g and q to be known. This package treats g and q as unknowns
and provides several methods which infer these values with as
little input from the user as possible. The available methods
are a naïve search over both g and q, two different
implementations of the AMFA algorithm (Wang and Lin, 2020) <doi
= 10.1007/s11749-020-00702-6>, the AMoFA algorithm (Kaya and
Salah, 2015) <doi = 10.48550/arXiv.1507.02801> and the VBMFA
algorithm (Ghahramani and Beal, 2000) <url =>.